We’ve reached the fundraising halfway mark!

In a futuristic, Star Trek-like world money doesn’t seem to play too big a role in people’s lives. Unfortunately that’s just not the case for the world we live in today. While the permit for the march will not cost anything, most of what’s required to get approval for the permit is. Things like special event liability insurance, hiring off-duty law enforcement to close down streets and to keep everyone safe, as well as workers comp for those officers. If this was a futuristic, Star Trek-like world this wouldn’t be a concern, though come to think about it, we probably wouldn’t need to hold this event in the first place.

The total cost for putting on the local March For Science will be in the $1100 range and 3 days ago a donation campaign was set up to raise those funds. Well this evening we met the halfway point of that campaign. From all of us organizers working to make the march awesome and powerful, we can’t thank you enough for your generosity. You can help out by getting the word out to your social circles. Keep being awesome and we’ll see you on April 22!